Muay Thai Classes

Learn Reflexive Combat Techniques With Our Muay Thai Program

At Driven Gym our Muay Thai classes are geared towards all levels and will cover proper punching, kicking, knees, elbow and clinching technique with balance and footwork. Combination drills and simulations are practiced using pad work with partners and heavy bags as well. Because Muay Thai requires strength and conditioning, a portion of the class is dedicated to just that, to boost our physical fitness and stamina.

NO EXPERIENCE is required - though the more experienced member will work in more advanced training. Sparring is NOT a requirement for anyone at any level and is reserved for those members interested and adequately prepared and approved by coaches"


  • You must be invited to attend this class
  • Contact is hard but still controlled. At no point should you purposely try to injure your partner.

Available Limited Time Packages

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Muay Thai

1 Week training program

$ 20.00 $0.00

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